Darul Uloom Husainia Islampur

It is the reality that the Muslims got the blissfulness of Allah till they act according to holy book Quran. They got success on every step. Even the birds and animals of the jungle followed the order of a Muslim man. They sang the song of his ho on his arrival. Withal his arrival considered good for humanity and since he became adorer of deception and lust and make his providence the sensibility, adopt bitterness and decoy. He gave up the behavior and style of the pleasure of existence (S.A.W.), he interrupted in various difficulties. Immorality and botheration became his luck. Even the condition became so worse that he lived far from the soul of Islam. With the depth & decreasing of life, theology, formalism and Islamic life was not in behavior. He was far from these all-Islamic cultures. As a result, the Muslims accepted the slavish life and fell into abyss of abasement and sinking. Its certain result that this slavish dragged out the ....


Darul Uloom At A Glance

Founder : Qutub Al-Aqtab Hazrat Alhaj Maulana Mohd Idrees Sb
                (Kaliph Shaikhul Islam Hazrat Maulana Husain Ahmad Madni Sb R.A
Established : 1409 Hz (1989)
Student In Hostel : 225                                 Teachers & Other Staff : 27

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